Jemele Hill's tattoo is yet to be revealed.

Nabin Ghyapchan

Is Jemele Hill Sporting A Tattoo? Uncovering The Ink

Not many people can draw exciting viewership to the field of sports journalism, but Jemele Hill is something else.

Hill is a renowned personality in the sports broadcast. Further, she is one of the personalities featured in Amazon Prime’s “The Power of the Dream.” She is on the project with stars such as Sue Bird and Angel McCoughtry.

Always an outspoken commentator, Hill recently drew strong attention with her opinions on Caitlin Clark, as she suggested that not making the Olympics might benefit the player.

Lately, the reporter also said something about connecting race and sexuality to Clark’s winning.

Just like her recent comments in the controversial limelight, Hill’s previously stated opinions were no less controversial, especially about Justin Rohrwasser’s problematic tattoo.

Well, thanks to Hill’s opinionated nature, even fans had begun wondering about her tattoos. But the question arises: Is Jemele Hill sporting a Tattoo?

Read further to know if Jemele Hill has some tattoos to be proud of. Heads up, she tweeted the answer!

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Is Sports Journalist Jemele Hill Tattooed?

Is Jemele Hill inked? The famous sports journalist has a pretty simple answer to the question as it was posed to her on Twitter.

“Fun fact about me: One tattoo, two former tongue rings #NotMakingThisUp,”

she tweeted to her followers in an easygoing message that verified, she is inked. So yes, Hill is tattooed.

Also, it’s good to mention that Hill has two piercings that were taken out.

However, despite Hill’s confirmation, there has yet to be any public photo of her tattoo, and thus, some may have speculated that she was just kidding.

Jemele Hill is not sporting any tattoo in this photo.
Jemele Hill mentioned having a tattoo. (Photo Source: Instagram)

The fact that she uses the hashtag ‘#NotMakingThisUp’ hints that she might be kidding, and having no photograph to prove it, doubt still lingers.

If that is the case, then hiding her tattoo seems to be quite a feat by Hill herself.

Nevertheless, Hill has candidly admitted, adding another fascinating side to her personality, already well-described due to feisty commentaries on sports journalism.

Be it by design as a joke or actual revelation, with that tweet; the interest has been built up about what might have been inscribed in Jemele Hill’s ink.

In the meantime, the mystery of Jemele Hill’s tattoo is still kept, leaving her fans to enjoy speculating about it.

What Happened When Jemele Hill Tweeted On Justin Rohrwasser’s Left Hand Tattoo?

It was in 2020 when Jemele Hill tweeted about Justin Rohrwasser’s controversial tattoo, and all hell broke loose.

Rohrwasser, a draft pick of the New England Patriots, had a tattoo of the Three Percenters, identified as anti-government and associated with white supremacy by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Rohrwasser said he misinterpreted the symbol and thought it supported the military; he expressed regret and promised to cover it up.

Hill was scathing in her criticism of the NFL because it had allowed Rohrwasser to play while Colin Kaepernick remained unsigned for his protests about the injustice of black lives.

Jemele Hill in the right and Justin Rohrwasser in the left.
Jemele Hill commented on Justin Rohrwasser’s tattoo. (Photo Source: Bro Bible)

Following Hill’s tweets, it sparked a heated online argument about the plausibility of Rohrwasser’s ignorance of the tattoo’s meaning and defended him; i.e. criticizing the reporter.

She also tweeted a thread indicating that Rohrwasser supports right-wing figures. To the growing outcry, Rohrwasser deleted his Twitter account.

Further, Hill’s pointed critique and the ensuing responses also illustrate how, up to a point, public opinion remains sharply divided over matters of symbolism, intention, and responsibility in sports.

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Jemele Hill With Snoop Dogg About The Rapper’s Lakers NBA Tattoo

Other than her and Justin Rohrwasser’s, Jemele Hill shared some opinions about Snoop Dogg’s Lakers NBA tattoo.

It happened in 2020 on the reporter show “Jemele Hill is Unbothered.” In a spirited conversation between Jemele Hill and Snoop Dogg, the crux was Snoop’s vow to get a Lakers tattoo after their win in the NBA championships.

Over the video chat, lifelong Lakers fan Snoop Dogg was all vocal about what the Lakers’ victory meant his ardently felt passion for the team, and the style with which he would celebrate their victory.

True to his word, Snoop paid up Mr. Cartoon after the Lakers’ triumphant season.

Jemele Hill and Snoop Dog on her show talking about tattoo.
Jemele Hill on the left and Snoop Dogg and his tattoo on the right. (Photo Source: Facebook)

In addition, he was quoted to have explained that the that consists of the Larry O’Brien trophy, the Lakers’ logo, and the sparks standing for the Lakers’ organization legacy and tradition.

According to Snoop, the tattoo is not only in honor of the present team but also about the greatness of those who came before them in the form of Jerry West, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and Magic Johnson.

He elaborated on how the championship held a special meaning because it happened when Bryant was no longer between us.

Moreover, Snoop mentioned Kobe endorsed LeBron James to take over the mantle of leading the team, even before his passing.

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